Saturday, January 31, 2009

That’s the article's title: How to Go to Medical School for Free

This is quite an opportunity. Previously, I had explored the salary range of different medical specialties in two entries: HOW MUCH DO PHYSICIANS EARN? and the recession-resistance index (!) of a profession in healthcare in A HEALTHCARE-RELATED CAREER OR NOT? THINKING DEFENSIVELY....

To me, this article indicates the seriousness of the problem with the healthcare system in America. Healthcare currently accounts for 16 to 17 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States. It is the single largest component of the economy.

A related article by the same author discussed how medical school has become less expensive for some.

One of the better deals, in my opinion, is serving in the US military if you can.

At any rate, I can see demand and supply meeting each other within the next 15 to 20 years. Until then, demand far exceeds supply which means that healthcare professions have an above-average rating in terms of compensation and security.

The flip side of the equation is work and study. Since demand exceeds supply, be prepared to study and work a lot and continuously. Medical school is not a walk in the park either. As this other article indicates, medical students are more depressed than the general population. Doctor, heal thy self!

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